November 2010 – SEC Adopts New Rule

SEC Adopts New Rule Preventing Unfiltered Market Access

Securities Industry Practice Alert

On November 3, 2010, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted unanimously to adopt a new rule requiring broker-dealers to implement risk controls before they provide customers with electronic access to the equities markets. The new rule will effectively end so-called “naked” (or “unfiltered”) access by customers to the markets, and is part of a larger effort by the SEC “to help ensure the markets are fair, transparent and efficient.”

Specifically, the rule prohibits broker-dealers from providing customers with unfiltered access to an applicable exchange or alternative trading system (ATS). It requires brokers who directly access an exchange or an alternative trading system — including those who “sponsor” customers’ access to same — to put in place financial and regulatory risk management controls and supervisory procedures that are “reasonably designed to prevent the entry of orders that exceed appropriate pre-set credit or capital thresholds, or that appear to be erroneous.” Among other things, these controls must include the programming and implementation of pre-order-entry filters by brokers in their own systems for orders directed either by them or their customers to the equities markets.

This issue of unfiltered access has been the subject of much debate, especially involving the high-frequency trading firms that use algorithms and high-speed and high-capacity computers to capture minimal and fleeting arbitrage (and other quantitative) opportunities in the markets. Some observers have estimated that such activity constitutes upwards of 70 percent of the volume traded in U.S. equity markets today.

Broker-dealers have eight months — which includes 60 days from publication of the rule in the Federal Register plus an additional six months — to comply with this new rule.


September 2010 – Advisors Beware of the “Switch” from SEC Oversight to State Regulation

By July 21, 2011 — the one-year anniversary of the passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act — investment advisors with less than $100 million in assets under management will be required to register with the states. This impacts all advisors, whether currently registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The “switch” to state regulation is likely to raise a number of issues — and confusion — for advisors.

  • Advisors with more than $25 million in assets under management previously were able to opt out of federal registration — and state registration as a result — if they had fewer than 15 direct clients. With the passage of Dodd-Frank, that 15-client threshold has been removed outright from the Investment Company Act of 1940. Thus, absent another exemption, many advisors will face federal or state registration for the first time.
  • Advisors with clients in multiple states may have to register in multiple states, potentially creating burdensome requirements for advisors. (One exception: an advisor that must register in 15 or more states may choose to remain SEC-registered.)
  • States differ on their registration, custody, books and records and other requirements. Just to cite one arcane but significant difference, Connecticut does not require its state-registered investment advisor representatives to have a 65 (or 7 and 66); it instead only requires them to have sufficient “experience.” New York, meanwhile, not only requires the 65 (or 7 and 66), but also mandates that representatives have taken the exams within two years prior to registering with New York. (That means that a neophyte advisor in New York can sail through the state registration process with flying colors, while a more veteran advisor in New York has to file for a waiver on the state’s exams-in-the last-two-years requirement to become registered (if such representative got his or her 65 (or 7 and 66) more than two years ago).)

September 2010 – Advisors Beware of

Advisors: Beware of the “Switch” From SEC Oversight to State Regulation

Securities Industry Practice Alert

By July 21, 2011 — the one-year anniversary of the passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act — investment advisors with less than $100 million in assets under management will be required to register with the states. This impacts all advisors, whether currently registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The “switch” to state regulation is likely to raise a number of issues — and confusion — for advisors.

  • Advisors with more than $25 million in assets under management previously were able to opt out of federal registration — and state registration as a result — if they had fewer than 15 direct clients. With the passage of Dodd-Frank, that 15-client threshold has been removed outright from the Investment Company Act of 1940. Thus, absent another exemption, many advisors will face federal or state registration for the first time.
  • Advisors with clients in multiple states may have to register in multiple states, potentially creating burdensome requirements for advisors. (One exception: an advisor that must register in 15 or more states may choose to remain SEC-registered.)
  • States differ on their registration, custody, books and records and other requirements. Just to cite one arcane but significant difference, Connecticut does not require its state-registered investment advisor representatives to have a 65 (or 7 and 66); it instead only requires them to have sufficient “experience.” New York, meanwhile, not only requires the 65 (or 7 and 66), but also mandates that representatives have taken the exams within two years prior to registering with New York. (That means that a neophyte advisor in New York can sail through the state registration process with flying colors, while a more veteran advisor in New York has to file for a waiver on the state’s exams-in-the last-two-years requirement to become registered (if such representative got his or her 65 (or 7 and 66) more than two years ago).


The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

Securities Industry Practice Alert

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) was signed into law by President Obama on July 21, 2010. The official purpose of the law is to “promote the financial stability of the United States by improving accountability and transparency in the financial system, to end ‘too big to fail,’ to protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts, to protect consumers from abusive financial services practices and for other purposes.”

The Dodd-Frank Act actually affects multiple industries and legislation, containing numerous amendments to existing laws and creating several new laws as well. Clearly, this legislation will have consequences for years given that it calls for – by one count – 355 new rules to be written by federal agencies; 47 studies to be conducted (many preceding the rulemaking); and 74 reports to be made to Congress. Essentially, while the Dodd-Frank Act has been enacted, it is still very much a “work-in-progress.”

We have summarized the areas that the Dodd-Frank Act covers below:

  • Title I (Sec. 101, et seq.): Financial Stability
    Financial Stability Act of 2010
    This law creates the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) to identify systemically significant institutions and regulate them at times more strictly than banks and bank holding companies (BHCs) currently are, regardless if the BHCs cease owning an insured depository institution so as to try to escape such regulation.
  • Title II (Sec. 201, et seq.): Orderly Liquidation Authority
    Addresses “too big to fail.” A new “orderly liquidation authority” (OLA) allows the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to seize control of a financial company whose imminent collapse has been found to threaten the entire U.S. financial system. In such instance, the FDIC may seize the entity and liquidate it under the new OLA, preempting any proceedings under the Bankruptcy Code. Only liquidation may occur – not reorganization. Insurance companies remain state-regulated, and, thus, may not be so seized and liquidated, but their holding companies and unregulated affiliates may. Rating agencies, lenders and other potential creditors of a financial institution will now have to consider the effect of the OLA as well as the Bankruptcy Code on an institution that may become subject to Title II when deciding whether to extend or maintain credit.
  • Title III (Sec. 300, et seq.): Transfer of Powers to the Comptroller of the Currency, the Corporation and the Board of Governors
    Enhancing Financial Institution Safety and Soundness Act of 2010
    Eliminates the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), allocating its thrift and thrift holding company oversight responsibilities among the Federal Reserve, the FDIC and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). Assessments for a depository institution’s Deposit Insurance Fund will now be based on total liabilities, not just deposit liabilities. FDIC coverage is now extended to $250,000.
  • Title IV (Sec. 401, et seq.): Regulation of Advisers to Hedge Funds and Others
    Private Fund Investment Advisers Registration Act of 2010
    Effective one year from enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act, this title eliminates the “fewer than 15 clients” exemption that most hedge funds and investment advisers (collectively, IAs) use to avoid SEC registration as investment advisers. Further, the assets under management (AUM) minimum threshold of $25 million that allowed IAs to register with the SEC as opposed to one or more states has been increased to $100 million. However, new exemptions were crafted for “private funds” (with AUM over $150 million), “venture capital funds” and “family office advisers,” among other new exempt categories. The new act also significantly increases record-keeping and reporting obligations for both registered and unregistered IAs. Finally (among many other things), this new act disallows an “accredited investor” to include the value of his/her “primary residence” in determining whether said investor meets the $1 million net worth test, and authorizes the SEC to adjust the “accredited investor” standards every four years.
  • Title V (Sec. 501, et seq.): Insurance
    Federal Insurance Office Act of 2010
    Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act of 2010
    Creates the “Federal Insurance Office” (FIO) within the Department of Treasury to monitor the U.S. insurance industry, especially for systemic risks, and negotiate insurance-related agreements on behalf of the United States with foreign governments. However, the states retain primary authority over U.S. insurers.
  • Title VI (Sec. 601, et seq.): Improvements to Regulation of Bank and Savings Association Holding Companies and Depository Institutions
    Bank and Savings Association Holding Company and Depository Institution Regulatory Improvements Act of 2010
    Provides for heightened regulation, supervision, examination and enforcement powers over depository institution holding companies and their subsidiaries, including derivatives and “repos.” Contains the often discussed “Volcker Rule,” prohibiting any “banking entity” from engaging in proprietary trading, or sponsoring or investing in a hedge fund or private equity fund. However, the Volcker Rule was watered down with late-added exceptions to its prohibitions. Systemically significant non-bank financial companies are not strictly subject to the Volcker Rule, but do incur additional capital requirements and certain limits on their activities.
  • Title VII (Sec. 701, et seq.): Wall Street Transparency and Accountability
    Wall Street Transparency and Accountability Act of 2010
    Gives the SEC and CFTC primary authority over the swaps markets, and requires that certain swaps be exchange-traded, centrally cleared and publicly reported. The definition of “swap” is left open to review and amendment, as are many other related aspects.
  • Title VIII (Sec. 801, et seq.): Payment, Clearing and Settlement Supervision
    Payment, Clearing and Settlement Supervision Act of 2010
    Grants the Federal Reserve (and SEC and CFTC) new authority and responsibility for systemically significant “financial market utilities” and various clearing entities.
  • Title IX (Sec. 901, et seq.): Investor Protections and Improvements to the Regulation of Securities
    Investor Protection and Securities Reform Act of 2010
    This is a wide-ranging section impacting broker-dealers, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, structured finance products and, last but not least, executive compensation and corporate governance (for all public companies, not just financial institutions). At the SEC, it establishes an “Investor Advisory Committee” and “Investor Advocate;” bolsters whistle-blower awards and protections; and authorizes monetary penalties in cease-and-desist proceedings. For broker-dealers and investment advisers, the SEC is to conduct studies regarding customer issues and impose new rules (including a likely new “fiduciary duty” for brokers regarding their retail customers, instead of the current, lesser “suitability” standard). Amendments were also made to laws regarding short-selling and stock lending. Credit rating agencies will undergo significant reform to eliminate conflicts of interest, increase their accountability and increase transparency (especially regarding asset-backed securities). As for executive compensation and corporate governance, the law mandates non-binding shareholder votes on executive compensation and golden parachutes; independence of compensation committees; disclosures of executive compensation, incentive-based compensation and chairman-CEO relationships; and “clawbacks” of erroneously awarded compensation. It also limits broker voting and increases proxy access for shareholders.
  • Title X (Sec. 1001, et seq.): Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
    Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010
    Establishes the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (BCFP) within the Federal Reserve. The BCFP will be the consumers’ watchdog, with authority to write and enforce rules regarding mortgages, credit cards, credit scores and other consumer products. However, the examination and enforcement authority will only extend over very large banks and non-bank financial institutions. The BCFP will not have authority over insured depository institutions and credit unions with assets of $10 billion or less. This act also caps credit card fees. (Excluded businesses will include retailers, accountants, real estate brokers, lawyers and auto dealers.)
  • Title XI (Sec. 1101, et seq.): Federal Reserve System Provisions
    This title limits Federal Reserve emergency lending authority, and permits the GAO to audit the recent financial crisis lending as well as future emergency and discount window lending and open-market transactions.
  • Title XII (Sec. 1201, et seq.): Improving Access to Mainstream Financial Institutions
    Improving Access to Mainstream Financial Institutions Act of 2010
    This law authorizes the Treasury Secretary to establish certain grants and other programs to improve access to basic financial products for underserved communities.
  • Title XIII (Sec. 1301, et seq.): Pay It Back Act
    This provision reduces TARP funds from $700 billion to $475 billion; prohibits new TARP funding programs; requires certain repaid TARP funds to reduce the deficit; and prohibits recycling repaid funds back into the program.
  • Title XIV (Sec. 1400, et seq.): Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act
    Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act
    Expand and Preserve Home Ownership Through Counseling Act
    The laws require increased disclosure upon origination of residential mortgage loans, and significantly increases regulation of mortgage loan origination and servicing. Mortgage originators will have registration requirements, and must make good faith determinations about the ability of a consumer to repay a loan. “Steering” incentives will be prohibited (e.g., “steering” a consumer to loans with higher fees). New caps will be imposed on late fees. Finally, the federal government will make $1 billion available to borrowers to help pay their mortgages ($50,000 cap per homeowner) and another $1 billion to local governments to redevelop foreclosed and abandoned homes.
  • Title XV (Sec. 1501, et seq.): Miscellaneous Provisions
    This title contains miscellaneous sections regarding, among other things, IMF loan policy; disclosures regarding Congo minerals; safety reporting for coal mines; resource extractors to disclose payments to foreign or U.S. governments; an assessment of the effectiveness of federal inspectors’ general; and a study of deposits at banks.
  • Title XVI (Sec. 1601): Section 1256 Contracts
    This title excludes interest rate swaps, currency swaps, basis swaps, interest rate caps, interest rate floors, commodity swaps, equity swaps, equity index swaps, credit default swaps, and similar agreements from Section 1256 of the Internal Revenue Code that would have inappropriately treated gains and losses in same.


The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank Act) was signed into law by President Obama on July 21, 2010. The official purpose of the law is to “promote the financial stability of the United States by improving accountability and transparency in the financial system, to end ‘too big to fail,’ to protect the American taxpayer by ending bailouts, to protect consumers from abusive financial services practices and for other purposes.”

The Dodd-Frank Act actually affects multiple industries and legislation, containing numerous amendments to existing laws and creating several new laws as well. Clearly, this legislation will have consequences for years given that it calls for – by one count – 355 new rules to be written by federal agencies; 47 studies to be conducted (many preceding the rulemaking); and 74 reports to be made to Congress. Essentially, while the Dodd-Frank Act has been enacted, it is still very much a “work-in-progress.”

We have summarized the areas that the Dodd-Frank Act covers below:

  • Title I (Sec. 101, et seq.): Financial Stability
    Financial Stability Act of 2010
    This law creates the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) to identify systemically significant institutions and regulate them at times more strictly than banks and bank holding companies (BHCs) currently are, regardless if the BHCs cease owning an insured depository institution so as to try to escape such regulation.
  • Title II (Sec. 201, et seq.): Orderly Liquidation Authority
    Addresses “too big to fail.” A new “orderly liquidation authority” (OLA) allows the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to seize control of a financial company whose imminent collapse has been found to threaten the entire U.S. financial system. In such instance, the FDIC may seize the entity and liquidate it under the new OLA, preempting any proceedings under the Bankruptcy Code. Only liquidation may occur – not reorganization. Insurance companies remain state-regulated, and, thus, may not be so seized and liquidated, but their holding companies and unregulated affiliates may. Rating agencies, lenders and other potential creditors of a financial institution will now have to consider the effect of the OLA as well as the Bankruptcy Code on an institution that may become subject to Title II when deciding whether to extend or maintain credit.
  • Title III (Sec. 300, et seq.): Transfer of Powers to the Comptroller of the Currency, the Corporation and the Board of Governors
    Enhancing Financial Institution Safety and Soundness Act of 2010
    Eliminates the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), allocating its thrift and thrift holding company oversight responsibilities among the Federal Reserve, the FDIC and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). Assessments for a depository institution’s Deposit Insurance Fund will now be based on total liabilities, not just deposit liabilities. FDIC coverage is now extended to $250,000.
  • Title IV (Sec. 401, et seq.): Regulation of Advisers to Hedge Funds and Others
    Private Fund Investment Advisers Registration Act of 2010
    Effective one year from enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act, this title eliminates the “fewer than 15 clients” exemption that most hedge funds and investment advisers (collectively, IAs) use to avoid SEC registration as investment advisers. Further, the assets under management (AUM) minimum threshold of $25 million that allowed IAs to register with the SEC as opposed to one or more states has been increased to $100 million. However, new exemptions were crafted for “private funds” (with AUM over $150 million), “venture capital funds” and “family office advisers,” among other new exempt categories. The new act also significantly increases record-keeping and reporting obligations for both registered and unregistered IAs. Finally (among many other things), this new act disallows an “accredited investor” to include the value of his/her “primary residence” in determining whether said investor meets the $1 million net worth test, and authorizes the SEC to adjust the “accredited investor” standards every four years.
  • Title V (Sec. 501, et seq.): Insurance
    Federal Insurance Office Act of 2010
    Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act of 2010
    Creates the “Federal Insurance Office” (FIO) within the Department of Treasury to monitor the U.S. insurance industry, especially for systemic risks, and negotiate insurance-related agreements on behalf of the United States with foreign governments. However, the states retain primary authority over U.S. insurers.
  • Title VI (Sec. 601, et seq.): Improvements to Regulation of Bank and Savings Association Holding Companies and Depository Institutions
    Bank and Savings Association Holding Company and Depository Institution Regulatory Improvements Act of 2010
    Provides for heightened regulation, supervision, examination and enforcement powers over depository institution holding companies and their subsidiaries, including derivatives and “repos.” Contains the often discussed “Volcker Rule,” prohibiting any “banking entity” from engaging in proprietary trading, or sponsoring or investing in a hedge fund or private equity fund. However, the Volcker Rule was watered down with late-added exceptions to its prohibitions. Systemically significant non-bank financial companies are not strictly subject to the Volcker Rule, but do incur additional capital requirements and certain limits on their activities.
  • Title VII (Sec. 701, et seq.): Wall Street Transparency and Accountability
    Wall Street Transparency and Accountability Act of 2010
    Gives the SEC and CFTC primary authority over the swaps markets, and requires that certain swaps be exchange-traded, centrally cleared and publicly reported. The definition of “swap” is left open to review and amendment, as are many other related aspects.
  • Title VIII (Sec. 801, et seq.): Payment, Clearing and Settlement Supervision
    Payment, Clearing and Settlement Supervision Act of 2010
    Grants the Federal Reserve (and SEC and CFTC) new authority and responsibility for systemically significant “financial market utilities” and various clearing entities.
  • Title IX (Sec. 901, et seq.): Investor Protections and Improvements to the Regulation of Securities
    Investor Protection and Securities Reform Act of 2010
    This is a wide-ranging section impacting broker-dealers, investment advisers, credit rating agencies, structured finance products and, last but not least, executive compensation and corporate governance (for all public companies, not just financial institutions). At the SEC, it establishes an “Investor Advisory Committee” and “Investor Advocate;” bolsters whistle-blower awards and protections; and authorizes monetary penalties in cease-and-desist proceedings. For broker-dealers and investment advisers, the SEC is to conduct studies regarding customer issues and impose new rules (including a likely new “fiduciary duty” for brokers regarding their retail customers, instead of the current, lesser “suitability” standard). Amendments were also made to laws regarding short-selling and stock lending. Credit rating agencies will undergo significant reform to eliminate conflicts of interest, increase their accountability and increase transparency (especially regarding asset-backed securities). As for executive compensation and corporate governance, the law mandates non-binding shareholder votes on executive compensation and golden parachutes; independence of compensation committees; disclosures of executive compensation, incentive-based compensation and chairman-CEO relationships; and “clawbacks” of erroneously awarded compensation. It also limits broker voting and increases proxy access for shareholders.
  • Title X (Sec. 1001, et seq.): Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
    Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010
    Establishes the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (BCFP) within the Federal Reserve. The BCFP will be the consumers’ watchdog, with authority to write and enforce rules regarding mortgages, credit cards, credit scores and other consumer products. However, the examination and enforcement authority will only extend over very large banks and non-bank financial institutions. The BCFP will not have authority over insured depository institutions and credit unions with assets of $10 billion or less. This act also caps credit card fees. (Excluded businesses will include retailers, accountants, real estate brokers, lawyers and auto dealers.)
  • Title XI (Sec. 1101, et seq.): Federal Reserve System Provisions
    This title limits Federal Reserve emergency lending authority, and permits the GAO to audit the recent financial crisis lending as well as future emergency and discount window lending and open-market transactions.
  • Title XII (Sec. 1201, et seq.): Improving Access to Mainstream Financial Institutions
    Improving Access to Mainstream Financial Institutions Act of 2010
    This law authorizes the Treasury Secretary to establish certain grants and other programs to improve access to basic financial products for underserved communities.
  • Title XIII (Sec. 1301, et seq.): Pay It Back Act
    This provision reduces TARP funds from $700 billion to $475 billion; prohibits new TARP funding programs; requires certain repaid TARP funds to reduce the deficit; and prohibits recycling repaid funds back into the program.
  • Title XIV (Sec. 1400, et seq.): Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act
    Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act
    Expand and Preserve Home Ownership Through Counseling Act
    The laws require increased disclosure upon origination of residential mortgage loans, and significantly increases regulation of mortgage loan origination and servicing. Mortgage originators will have registration requirements, and must make good faith determinations about the ability of a consumer to repay a loan. “Steering” incentives will be prohibited (e.g., “steering” a consumer to loans with higher fees). New caps will be imposed on late fees. Finally, the federal government will make $1 billion available to borrowers to help pay their mortgages ($50,000 cap per homeowner) and another $1 billion to local governments to redevelop foreclosed and abandoned homes.
  • Title XV (Sec. 1501, et seq.): Miscellaneous Provisions
    This title contains miscellaneous sections regarding, among other things, IMF loan policy; disclosures regarding Congo minerals; safety reporting for coal mines; resource extractors to disclose payments to foreign or U.S. governments; an assessment of the effectiveness of federal inspectors’ general; and a study of deposits at banks.
  • Title XVI (Sec. 1601): Section 1256 Contracts
    This title excludes interest rate swaps, currency swaps, basis swaps, interest rate caps, interest rate floors, commodity swaps, equity swaps, equity index swaps, credit default swaps, and similar agreements from Section 1256 of the Internal Revenue Code that would have inappropriately treated gains and losses in same.

May 2010 – Broker Beware…

Broker Beware: New FINRA Guidance Suggests Renewed Regulatory Focus on Broker-Dealers Involved in Regulation D Offerings

Securities Industry and Tech & Venture Finance Practice Alert

Even before the economic turmoil of the last two years, private placements were a principal source of funding for small and mid-sized businesses. Given the recessionary effects on the commercial credit-based lending market, now, more than ever, private placements are playing an even greater role in facilitating the capital needs of these businesses.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority’s (FINRA) latest regulatory guidance, Notice to Members 10-22, reminds broker-dealers of their obligations when recommending securities exempt from registration pursuant to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Regulation D, promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933 (Securities Act), as well as suggesting a renewed focus by FINRA on monitoring broker-dealers’ anti-fraud compliance in the post-bailout economy.

Pursuant to the Securities Act, any offer to sell securities must either be formally registered with the SEC, or meet an exemption from this registration obligation. Regulation D permits three exemptions from the registration requirements. See 17 CFR § 230.501 et seq. These exemptions allow some securities issuers to offer and sell their securities without having to register the securities with the SEC. While the inquiry into whether a particular offering is exempt under Regulation D involves a careful analysis of objectively ascertainable criteria regarding both the activities of the issuing company and the investors, Regulation D offerings, generally, include:

(1) When a given issuer only offers and sells up to, in the aggregate, $1 million worth of their securities in any 12-month period;

(2) When a given issuer only offers and sells up to, in the aggregate, $5 million of their securities in any 12-month period and the investors meet the definition of “accredited investor” by establishing certain sophistication and wealth standards, or the investor is one of up to 35 “non-accredited investors” as specifically defined in the regulatio; or

(3) When a given issuer satisfies the so-called “safe harbor” from registration under the Securities Act by establishing that, although the offering’s aggregate dollar value was not limited, it was made only to “accredited investors,” and up to 35 non-accredited investors that exhibit a degree of financial sophistication.

Further, Regulation D issuers are limited in both advertising to and the solicitation of investors. For example, these issuers, among other requirements, must complete and file the SEC Form D, an abbreviated notice, containing the names and addresses of the company’s officers and stock promoters, as well as the date of the first issuance.

While there are probably many reasons for an increased FINRA broker-dealer surveillance program in connection with Regulation D offerings, FINRA Notice to Members 10-22 clearly articulates the suitability obligations that every broker-dealer involved in this particular type of securities issuance must follow.  FINRA’s guidance on Regulation D offerings also foreshadows that those broker-dealers who do not revisit their organizational compliance protocols will be at a substantial risk of regulatory enforcement action.

NASD Rule 2310 requires that broker-dealers “have reasonable grounds for believing that the recommendation is suitable for such customer upon the basis of the facts, if any, disclosed by such customer as to his other security holdings and as to his financial situation and needs.” This means where broker-dealers take an active role in suggesting investments to their clients, the broker-dealer must undertake a level of due diligence regarding the needs, risks and expectations of the investor prior to making a recommendation.  Practically speaking, this investigation must be well documented and include disclosure forms from the broker-dealer to the investor.

Regulation D offerings have, however, historically presented an “opportunity” for some broker-dealers to avoid their suitability obligations due to the emphasis upon the sophistication of the investor inherent in Regulation D offerings. Simply stated, some broker-dealers may have stopped short of performing a complete and thorough suitability analysis for Regulation D offerings based upon the erroneous belief the investor being an “accredited investor” satisfied the broker-dealer’s obligations pursuant to Regulation D and NASD Rule 2310.  FINRA Notice to Members 10-22 makes clear that a broker-dealer must undertake a complete suitability determination when recommending Regulation D offerings to a customer, and the “accredited investor” determination is only a small piece of that analysis.

FINRA Notice to Members 10-22 provides five factors any broker-dealer recommending a Regulation D offering to a customer must satisfy. FINRA specifically states that, “[i]n order to ensure that it has fulfilled its suitability responsibilities, a BD in a Regulation D offering should, at a minimum, conduct a reasonable investigation concerning” an examination of:

(1) The issuer and its management;

(2) The business prospects of the issuer;

(3) The assets held by or to be acquired by the issuer;

(4) The claims being made; and

(5) The intended use of the proceeds of the offering.

FINRA Notice to Members 10-22 at p. 8.  FINRA also acknowledges that “a single checklist of possible practices for a BD engaged in a Regulation D offering will not suffice for every offering . . . [.]”  Id.  Accordingly, broker-dealers must examine a host of potential issues when recommending investments in Regulation D securities to customers, and sound compliance protocols are of critical importance.


Broker Beware: New FINRA Guidance Suggests Renewed Regulatory Focus on Broker-Dealers Involved in Regulation D Offerings

Even before the economic turmoil of the last two years, private placements were a principal source of funding for small and mid-sized businesses. Given the recessionary effects on the commercial credit-based lending market, now, more than ever, private placements are playing an even greater role in facilitating the capital needs of these businesses.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority’s (FINRA) latest regulatory guidance, Notice to Members 10-22, reminds broker-dealers of their obligations when recommending securities exempt from registration pursuant to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Regulation D, promulgated under the Securities Act of 1933 (Securities Act), as well as suggesting a renewed focus by FINRA on monitoring broker-dealers’ anti-fraud compliance in the post-bailout economy.

Pursuant to the Securities Act, any offer to sell securities must either be formally registered with the SEC, or meet an exemption from this registration obligation. Regulation D permits three exemptions from the registration requirements. See 17 CFR § 230.501 et seq. These exemptions allow some securities issuers to offer and sell their securities without having to register the securities with the SEC. While the inquiry into whether a particular offering is exempt under Regulation D involves a careful analysis of objectively ascertainable criteria regarding both the activities of the issuing company and the investors, Regulation D offerings, generally, include:

(1) When a given issuer only offers and sells up to, in the aggregate, $1 million worth of their securities in any 12-month period;

(2) When a given issuer only offers and sells up to, in the aggregate, $5 million of their securities in any 12-month period and the investors meet the definition of “accredited investor” by establishing certain sophistication and wealth standards, or the investor is one of up to 35 “non-accredited investors” as specifically defined in the regulatio; or

(3) When a given issuer satisfies the so-called “safe harbor” from registration under the Securities Act by establishing that, although the offering’s aggregate dollar value was not limited, it was made only to “accredited investors,” and up to 35 non-accredited investors that exhibit a degree of financial sophistication.

Further, Regulation D issuers are limited in both advertising to and the solicitation of investors. For example, these issuers, among other requirements, must complete and file the SEC Form D, an abbreviated notice, containing the names and addresses of the company’s officers and stock promoters, as well as the date of the first issuance.

While there are probably many reasons for an increased FINRA broker-dealer surveillance program in connection with Regulation D offerings, FINRA Notice to Members 10-22 clearly articulates the suitability obligations that every broker-dealer involved in this particular type of securities issuance must follow.  FINRA’s guidance on Regulation D offerings also foreshadows that those broker-dealers who do not revisit their organizational compliance protocols will be at a substantial risk of regulatory enforcement action.

NASD Rule 2310 requires that broker-dealers “have reasonable grounds for believing that the recommendation is suitable for such customer upon the basis of the facts, if any, disclosed by such customer as to his other security holdings and as to his financial situation and needs.” This means where broker-dealers take an active role in suggesting investments to their clients, the broker-dealer must undertake a level of due diligence regarding the needs, risks and expectations of the investor prior to making a recommendation.  Practically speaking, this investigation must be well documented and include disclosure forms from the broker-dealer to the investor.

Regulation D offerings have, however, historically presented an “opportunity” for some broker-dealers to avoid their suitability obligations due to the emphasis upon the sophistication of the investor inherent in Regulation D offerings. Simply stated, some broker-dealers may have stopped short of performing a complete and thorough suitability analysis for Regulation D offerings based upon the erroneous belief the investor being an “accredited investor” satisfied the broker-dealer’s obligations pursuant to Regulation D and NASD Rule 2310.  FINRA Notice to Members 10-22 makes clear that a broker-dealer must undertake a complete suitability determination when recommending Regulation D offerings to a customer, and the “accredited investor” determination is only a small piece of that analysis.

FINRA Notice to Members 10-22 provides five factors any broker-dealer recommending a Regulation D offering to a customer must satisfy. FINRA specifically states that, “[i]n order to ensure that it has fulfilled its suitability responsibilities, a BD in a Regulation D offering should, at a minimum, conduct a reasonable investigation concerning” an examination of:

(1) The issuer and its management;

(2) The business prospects of the issuer;

(3) The assets held by or to be acquired by the issuer;

(4) The claims being made; and

(5) The intended use of the proceeds of the offering.

FINRA Notice to Members 10-22 at p. 8.  FINRA also acknowledges that “a single checklist of possible practices for a BD engaged in a Regulation D offering will not suffice for every offering . . . [.]”  Id.  Accordingly, broker-dealers must examine a host of potential issues when recommending investments in Regulation D securities to customers, and sound compliance protocols are of critical importance.

Series LLCs and the Securities Industry

Securities Industry Practice Alert

Securities Regulatory Practice Alert

In response to a request by FINRA, the SEC provided interpretive guidance as to its financial responsibility rules’ application to a broker-dealer that is formed and operated as a series limited liability company (LLC) under state law.

The SEC staff described a Series LLC structure as consisting of a Master LLC and a series of ownership classes within that Master LLC. The structure of this entity operates as the Master LLC being the only formal legal entity to be registered as a broker-dealer. Other than the registration, the entity would have no business operations while the various Series LLC, under the aegis of the Master LLC, would operate the broker-dealer operations as well as other institutional activities. There would be separate assets and liabilities for each of the entities but all would be reported in a consolidated financial statement when filing financial reports with the SEC.

When assessing FINRA’s request, the SEC reviewed three sets of its rules: the Net Capital Rules, Exchange Act Rule 15c3-1; the Financial Reporting Rules, Exchange Act Rule 17a-5; and the Customer Protection Rules, Exchange Act Rule 15c3-3. For example, the SEC stated that the Net Capital Rules required any capital contribution to be “subject to the risks of the business.” Essentially, these risks could not be transferred between the entities. Further, all the liabilities would be recognized when computing the broker-dealer’s net capital, and thus the assets would not be available for treatment as non-allowable. Additionally, all liabilities would be deducted from allowable assets when computing the firm’s net capital.

Additionally, the SEC staff reviewed the effect of the Series LLCs on the Financial Reporting Rules. The SEC staff stated that, if these Series LLCs reported financial positions on a consolidated basis, the ability to effectively supervise its financial position would be greatly diminished. The SEC staff would not be able to determine the controlling series specific assets or obligations to pay specific liabilities.

The SEC staff also said that the Series LLCs would not be able to comply with the requirements of the Consumer Protection Rules since those Rules require the broker-dealer to carry the customer account positions and customer reserves. The SEC staff believes Series LLCs would make it difficult because the assets and liabilities of each series would be in separate entities. Finally, the SEC staff also determined that, under the Securities Investor Protection Act, if there were to be a liquidation, it would be difficult to find the entities that actually controlled the assets.

January 2010 – FINRA’s Guide to Social Media

FINRA’s Guidance on Social Media Web Sites

Securities Industry Practice Alert

Facebook, Twitter and personal blogs have become staples of American life over the past five years. Studies show that businesses have also increasingly turned to these social media outlets to communicate with customers, advertise and conduct business.

Social media outlets have not escaped the notice of FINRA. FINRA previously promulgated Rule 2210 to regulate electronic communications in the form of Internet chat rooms. Specifically, Rule 2210 does not require a registered principal to approve in advance the extemporaneous communications of personnel who are engaging in this practice. However, it does provide supervisory and content requirements for interactive electronic forums. Nonetheless, as broker-dealers venture into social media, FINRA recently issued Regulatory Notice 10-06 as guidance to firms on applying the communication rules to social media sites.

Supervision of Interactive Electronic Media

Firms should be aware that the treatment of communications on social media sites under Rule 2210 depends on whether the communications are static content or interactive content. Static content is treated as “advertisements,” and if the firm or registered representative sponsors a social media site, the associated person or broker-dealer must obtain approval from the registered principal prior to any posting. on the other hand, if the social media site is used for real-time interactive communications, FINRA would consider the posting to be an interactive communication that does not require prior approval of the registered principal.

Under Rule 3010, firms are required to supervise interactive electronic communications in a manner reasonably designed to ensure that the communications do not violate the content requirements of FINRA’s communication rules. Firms may adopt supervisory procedures similar to those outlined in Regulatory Notice 07-59 (FINRA Guidance Regarding Review and supervision of electronic communications). FINRA recommends that firms consider supervising interactive electronic communication by the following methods:

  1. A lexicon based review where the firm randomly searches sensitive words or phrases that could signal a problematic communication;
  2. A random review of electronic correspondence where the firm chooses a reasonable percentage of posts and reviews the content; or
  3. A combination of a lexicon based review and random review.

FINRA also recommends that firms adopt policies and procedures reasonably designed to ensure that their associated persons and broker-dealers, who participate in social media sites for business purposes, are properly supervised. In particular, firms should have a general policy prohibiting any associated person from engaging in business communications without the firm’s supervision. Firms must also provide adequate training for their associated persons regarding interactive electronic communications.

Importantly, FINRA does not treat posts by customers or other third parties as the firm’s communications. Under certain circumstances, however, third-party posts may be attributable to the firm where the firm is: (1) involved in the preparation of the content; or (2) explicitly or implicitly endorses or approves the content. Firms are responsible for monitoring third-party posts to the extent that the communications can become attributable to the firm.

Recordkeeping Responsibilities

FINRA requires that firms retain records of communications related to the broker-dealer’s business that are made through social media sites. Although FINRA is aware that certain technology providers are developing systems that allow firms to retain such records, FINRA does not endorse a particular method or manner of recordkeeping.

Suitability Responsibilities

If a firm or its personnel recommend a security through a social media site, the particular communication will be considered a “recommendation” under NAsd Rule 2310. since social media sites allow the content to be viewable by all or some of the public, Rule 2310 requires a broker-dealer to first make a determination that the recommendation is suitable for every investor to whom it is made. As such, communications through social media sites may trigger suitability rules, substantive liability for the firm or registered representative and other requirements under the federal securities laws and FINRA Rules.

FINRA recommends that firms prohibit all interactive electronic communications that recommend a specific investment unless the registered principal has approved the content. If the firm does allow specific investment recommendations through social media sites, FINRA recommends that firms maintain databases of pre-approved communications that personnel may access as templates. At the very least, firms must adopt policies and procedures reasonably designed to address communications that recommend specific investments through social media sites.


While electronic media continues to expand the manner and method in which firms can reach potential customers, each firm must continue to comply with federal law and regulatory policy developed through FINRA.


August 2009 – SEC Gains Subpoena Power

SEC Enforcement Staff Gains Subpoena Power (and Other Evolutions in the Division’s Authority and Responsiveness)

Securities Industry Alert

The SEC Enforcement Division (Enforcement or the Division) recently announced a series of changes to its authority and structure that will make the Division more autonomous and quicker to act in its investigations. The changes look to make the Division more agile in all levels of its investigations – from the handling of tips that start investigations to the litigating of fully developed investigations. Based on these institutional changes – coupled with the Division’s and the SEC’s pronounced desire to be more “effective” – we advise clients to take note of these developments and prepare for a tougher, more aggressive regulator.


To mandate document production and testimony from securities industry participants (indeed, anyone) in a given investigation, Enforcement attorneys generally need to have in place a “formal order of investigation” for the matter. Until now, to obtain that formal order, staff had to craft a convincing summary of a case; obtain approval from Enforcement management for the presentation of the formal order to the five commissioners themselves; and then delicately wait for a review by and meeting of those commissioners to grant the formal order of investigation in a case. In our experience, such procedures could stall the progress of an investigation for several months – even in cases where a respondent may be willing to cooperate with the Enforcement staff, but for legal reasons needed staff to present them with a subpoena before they could comfortably do so.

That logjam in the process has now been removed. On August 5, 2009, the SEC amended its rules to delegate to the Director of Enforcement the authority to issue formal orders of investigation (SEC Release No. 34-60448). Furthermore, in a speech that day, the new Director of Enforcement, Robert Khuzami, announced that he would soon be delegating that authority to senior officers throughout the Division. To emphasize the change this means for Enforcement investigations, we quote Khuzami himself:

Thus, Staff will no longer have to obtain advance Commission approval in most cases to issue subpoenas; instead, they will simply need approval from their senior supervisor. This means that if defense counsel resist the voluntary production of documents or witnesses, or fail to be complete and timely in responses or engage in dilatory tactics, there will very likely to be a subpoena on your desk the next morning. [Emphases added.]


Enforcement has recently been adding trial attorneys with the express purpose of presenting a more imposing presence to respondents in its investigations. As Khuzami stated, “It is imperative that we convey to all defendants in SEC actions that we are prepared to go to trial and we will win, as evidenced by our eight trial wins since April…. “The Division has also recently tripled its paralegal and support personnel so as to free investigators to perform more “front-line” work and to relieve them from routine administrative burdens.


In an effort to expedite cases, the Division is streamlining both its management structure and its investigative process, as follows (among other things):

  • Redeploying “branch chiefs” from their current mid-level managerial functions to conducting investigations again, resulting in a flatter structure and more front-line decision-making.
  • Delegating the power to approve all routine case decisions from the national Deputy Director to the Division’s senior officers located throughout the country.
  • Shortening the required length and detail of internal memoranda that recommend specific Enforcement actions (so-called Action Memos), reducing the number of reviews they must undergo and shortening the time of those reviews.
  • Severely limiting the availability of “tolling agreements” (wherein respondents agree to “toll” (i.e., pause) the application of a statute of limitations in a matter in return for more time from Enforcement staff to respond to staff requests and a delay by staff in making formal filings in the case).
  • Creation of an “Office of Market Intelligence” to be responsible for the collection, analysis, risk-weighing, triage, referral and monitoring of the hundreds of thousands of tips, complaints and referrals that the SEC receives each year.
  • Hiring the Division’s first Chief Operating Officer, who will take over the Division’s technology, project management and the collection and distribution of funds obtained in Enforcement cases.


Enforcement will soon be establishing specialized units of select attorneys, staff and resources to focus on practices, transactions, products, markets and regulatory regimes. Each will have a Unit Chief and will be staffed across the country, receiving focused, advanced training. The Division will also be hiring experts from industry for these units. The five units currently planned are:

  • Asset Management Unit – €¨To focus on investment advisors, investment companies, hedge funds and private equity funds and look for violations in relation to disclosure, valuation, portfolio performance, due diligence and diversification, transactions with affiliates, misappropriation, conflicts of interest and others.
  • Market Abuse Unit€¨ – To focus on large-scale market abuses and complex manipulation schemes by institutional traders and market professionals, among others, and look for violations in relation to markets, equities, debt securities and derivatives, and across different markets, products, corporate announcements and other market events.
  • Structured and New Products Unit€¨ – To focus on complex derivatives and financial products, including CDS, CDOs and securitized products, looking for violations typically masked by the complexity of the products, the limited availability of trading information and the prevalence of private offerings.
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Unit€¨ – To focus on U.S. companies bribing foreign officials for government contracts and other business, working more closely with foreign counterparts and taking a more global approach to these violations.
  • Municipal Securities and Public Pensions Unit – €¨To focus on offering and disclosure issues, tax and arbitrage-driven activity, unfunded or underfunded liabilities and “pay-to-play” schemes (in which money managers and advisors pay kickbacks and give other favors in return for the right to sub-advise the funds).


Khuzami is a former federal prosecutor, so it is natural for him to state that he deems it “critical” that Enforcement increase its incentives to individuals to cooperate in investigations. He has announced four initiatives in that regard (all still works-in-progress):

  • Enhance Individuals’ Cooperation€¨ – Establish and announce standards to evaluate cooperation by individuals in enforcement actions.
  • Criminal Immunity€¨ – Seek authority for the Division Director to submit immunity requests to the Department of Justice.
  • Non-Target/Subject Assurances – €¨Explore ways to provide witnesses in the appropriate cases with verbal assurance early on in a case that Enforcement does not intend to file charges against them.
  • Deferred Prosecution Agreements€¨ – Recommend to the Commission that the SEC enter into Deferred Prosecution Agreements, in which Enforcement agrees to forego an enforcement action against an individual or entity subject to full cooperation, a waiver of statutes of limitations and/or compliance with certain undertakings.

Some of these plans and initiatives are already in place. Others are in progress, and the rest are still in the conceptual stage. Some of these changes will make investigations more difficult for respondents, but others will accrue to some respondents’ benefit.

Regardless, clients should take heed that the Enforcement Division – indeed, the SEC as a whole and all other financial regulators – is undergoing changes that will make it more proactive and vigorous in its evaluations of and judgments about professionals in the securities industry.